How to photograph clothing for your eCommerce store?

How to photograph clothing for your eCommerce store?

If you’re an eCommerce store merchant or willing to start your own clothes product photography studio but having trouble, this guide to photography will help you set up your  clothing photography studio.

Knowing how to photograph apparel for your eCommerce store flawlessly will win you half of the battle, and putting what you’ve learned here into practice will win you the other half. The difference between completing a deal and losing it is a solid eCommerce product listing with excellent product images. 

If you want to enhance your sales, you must photograph apparel products for eCommerce retailers with extreme precision. Although clothing product photography is not as tricky as jewelry photography, getting it right is always challenging for novices. It would be best if you displayed eye-pleasing and attractive product photographs on your online store to lower the bouncing rate of your potential customer. 

This article will tell you how and a step-by-step guide to winning the battle of photograph clothing for your e-commerce store. To attain perfection, follow the step-by-step clothes photography recommendations. So, without further ado, let’s get started:

 Get Your Clothing Product Ready

This is the very first step while doing clothing photography. In your photos, your products should appear their most refined. If you want stunning images of your products, the first stage in apparel product photography is to prepare the clothing goods. If you prepare your items and shoot them first, post-processing will go smoothly and give you fewer headaches. 

When photographing your outfit, you want to make sure that every detail is evident. As a result, if you don’t prepare your cloth properly, your photographs may be ruined, forcing you to reshoot them, which may be frustrating as well as a time-consuming task for you. So first, make sure that you have prepared well for your apparel product photography.

Step 2: Proper Clothing Photography Equipment and Studio Setup

Proper Clothing Photography Equipment and Studio Setup

Required Equipment: This is after the first step when your outfits are ready; it’s time to prepare all of the photographic equipment you’ll need for the session and set up your studio. With a few exceptions, the gear used for clothes photography is nearly identical to that used for product photography. With a few simple items, you can transform almost any room into a photographic studio. A camera, tripod, white wall, C-stand, duct tape, and natural light will suffice. It’s worth it that you invest in a couple of extra pieces of equipment if you have money to spend and want greater control over where and when to shoot. 

Studio Setup: Make sure your space and environment are free of clutter. To stay organized and produce your best job, you’ll need a clean environment.

The background is the first thing to prepare. The backdrop for product pictures should be a solid color. Almost all well-known eCommerce stores, such as Amazon, Flipkart, Myntra, eBay, Walmart, and Etsy, have product image standards for their product listings that include a solid white backdrop. 

It’s time to put up the lighting when you’ve finished with the backdrop. Use three directional lighting methods to get a better result. 

The first one is the key light, which should be placed near your camera and pointed at the model or mannequin you’re working with. Because the second light will be used as a fill light, position it at a 45-degree angle from your subject. If you maintain the fill light too close to the primary light, your lighting will become unbalanced. The final step is backdrop or hair light. This will stay between your figure or mannequin and the environment.

Step 3:

Photography Studio Setup

Displaying Your Product: Until or unless you show or represent your product in a better way, you can’t able to generate sales and retain an audience for a long time. So you must display your product in a better way, i.e., by proper styling and using the possible way to look it feel better and attractive. You can photograph clothes articles in a variety of ways. Some are pricey but high-quality, while others are inexpensive yet well-presented. Clothing articles can be photographed in three distinct ways, depending on the situation and the platform where the shot will be published. 


Consider the platform for which the photographs will be used and the types of necessities or criteria you have for your clothes product photo before you begin shooting. To photograph clothes articles, you can utilize models, mannequins, or flat surfaces such as tables. 


Hiring a Models: Models may effortlessly wear the product and blend in with it, eliminating the need for props to make them fit. They can give you whatever position you choose and make your stuff appear fantastic. Models give your product photo a more natural appearance, which shoppers appreciate. But for some small eCommerce Merchant hiring a model may be expensive, models are highly used in the brand like Adidas, Sparky, Puma, JC Penny and many more. 


Using Mannequins: Instead of hiring a model, a small eCommerce merchant can make use of Mannequins. Mannequins are frequently employed as a substitute for models by low-cost stores. However, this does not imply that images including mannequins are less appealing or fail to impress customers. Merchants use mannequins for a variety of reasons, including budget constraints.



Flat Lay: You can also use the techniques of ‘Flat Lay.’ The term “flat lay” refers to placing objects on a level surface and photographing them from above. It’s also known as a bird’s-eye view. Flat lay photography may help you generate gorgeous product shots that sell instead of using mannequins and models. It’s a popular approach for social media images. You can, however, utilize it for your website’s content.

Step 4: Capture Your Product Photos

Capture Your Product Photos

Now, it is time to capture your product images when all set up. Now that you have a camera and a professional product photography setup, you can begin shooting items on models or mannequins. Camera settings for product photography differ from those for other types of photography, so get it right the first time. Adjust the camera setting, i.e., Shutter Speed, Aperture, Shutter Speed, according to the environment and base on your requirement. 

Make sure your camera is in a solid position. Use a tripod to keep your camera stationary and take more apparent, sharper photographs of the product. If you don’t have a tripod, place your camera on something like a safe or flat surface. Now it is time to capture, and you are all set to go.

Step 5: Edit Your Final Product Photos

Edit Your Final Product Photos

Now, after finishing the shooting, you may believe that your work is done because you did everything correctly from the beginning, but wait, if you slow down now, your product images will fall short of being excellent. 

It’s critical to post-process your product images if you want to enhance your sales. So, if you’re looking for a product image editing service for your product images, look for experienced agencies like mypixeler because apparel product images require special attention to perform at their best. Mypixeler offers professional services tailored to your needs. They understand the nuances of clothing photography, including the importance of removing mannequins to create a sleek, polished look. By entrusting your images to mypixeler, you can enhance your eCommerce pages and attract more customers. This article aims to guide merchants in optimizing their clothing photography for online stores, with mypixeler as a trusted ally in the process.

Now upload your image to your eCommerce Pages and enjoy. Hoping that this article will help our reader and all the Merchant better understand the way of photograph clothing of eCommerce store.

In conclusion, mastering the art of photographing clothing for your eCommerce store is essential for driving sales and retaining customers. By following the step-by-step guide outlined above, you can ensure that your clothing products are showcased in the best possible light, both literally and figuratively.                                       google


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